Sunday, April 15, 2018

Animation Fans vs Story Fans

 Sometimes people will pass themselves off as animation fans when they really don't know much about animation at all. They care mostly about the story and barely any of the actual animation itself (Despite on some superficial level like the fluidity of the animation.) These people I call "story fans". Some examples include popular YouTube 'cartoon' reviewers such as TheMysteriousMrEnterAlpha Jay Show, and Saberspark. These channels rely on criticizing the writing in cartoons while parading the "animation fan" tag. Being an animation fan is about admiring the artwork of the drawings,backgrounds,breakdowns,key frames,and/or character designs of a piece of animation, not about admiring only just the story. Sure, you can like the story and all but it's not the main focus of what makes animation.

  A recent video came along about the current animation industry and some of the trash that's been spewing out of it; 

 This video is full of good points about the corruption of the animation industry and its impact on a child's life, but there's not one single mention of the actual visuals of the animation. Really, the criticism is mostly towards the integrity of creating a kids film than the animation itself.

The term "animation" is a loosely defined genre; you wouldn't put a show like Family Guy in the same area as SpongeBob SquarePants just because they're both animated. So ask yourself this; would you consider a movie that has the blandest animation in the world with an amazing story a good contender to a movie that has the most beautiful and expressive animation in the world with a horrendous story if it was in a contest for the best animated film? Keep in mind, it's not best written film.

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